Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Sampling Paper and the Annotated Works Cited Page

I recommend that you use Noodletools for your Works Cited; many of you have learned Noodletools through your previous English classes. If you happened to miss this valuable research tool, stop in the library and Mrs. Stahl will provide you with the basic directions and the login directions.

If you prefer the old-fashioned approach, OWL at Perdue is an extremely useful source for a variety of writing resources. I am including the link to their resources on annotations below.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Block 1 Reminders

  • If your blog link is not listed in the comment section of the post "Nitty Gritty," then I DO NOT have your assignment, with the exception of the two groups that videod their outside reading assignment and sent me links.
  • Your homework is to work on the sampling paper. As we discussed in class, we will spend about 30 minutes in class on Friday working peer reviewing some synthesis paragraphs.
  • If you wait until the last moment to work on your sampling paper, the quality will suffer. Don't say I didn't warn you :)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Homework Block 2

Your homework is as follows:
1. Identify an issue/questions that you want to use as your focus for the sampling paper. I've made some suggestions on the assignment sheet; however, some of the issues uncovered in our discussion, and some of the excellent questions that you submitted for our class discussion would also be appropriate.

2. Choose a relevant passage from Heart of Darkness and a relevant passage from a carefully chosen source that pertain to your question. I recommend using JSTOR and the sources in the back of your book. Much of the work of this assignment is finding the BEST passages. Relying upon the first passages you come across will lead you to......darkness. Also, be sure that you understand the context and argument that the passages come from; otherwise you will be misreading or stretching.

3. Write a solid synthesis paragraph. Be sure to type or very neatly hand write your paragraph, and be sure to include the passages and citations for the passages.

4. We will speand the first 30 minutes of class on Monday peer reviewing the synthesis paragraphs you have brought to class.

5. Be sure to complete your blog by Tuesday. If you wait until Sunday night or Monday to post all of your blog entries and you have technical issues on Monday, I will have limited sympathy.....as will your fellow bloggers who need to respond to your posts. Remember, the issue is QUALITY, not simply writing five entries.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Homework for Block 1

Your homework is as follows:
1. Identify an issue/questions that you want to use as your focus for the sampling paper. I've made some suggestions on the assignment sheet; however, some of the issues uncovered in our discussion, and some of the excellent questions that you submitted for our class discussion would also be appropriate.

2. Choose a relevant  passage from Heart of Darkness and a relevant passage from a carefully chosen source that pertain to your question. I recommend using JSTOR and the sources in the back of your book. Much of the work of this assignment is finding the BEST passages. Relying upon the first passages you come across will lead you to......darkness. Also, be sure that you understand the context and  argument that the passages come from; otherwise you will be misreading or stretching.

3. Write a solid synthesis paragraph. Be sure to type or very neatly hand write your paragraph, and be sure to include the passages and citations for the passages.

4. We will speand the first 30 minutes of class on Monday peer reviewing the synthesis paragraphs you have brought to class.

5. Be sure to complete your blog by Monday. If you wait until Sunday night to post all of your blog entries and you have technical issues on Sunday, I will have limited sympathy.....as will your fellow bloggers who need to respond to your posts. Remember, the issue is QUALITY, not simply writing five entries.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Block 2 Reminders/homework

In class today we peer reviewed your rewrites of Inferno. Here's what is due in class on Friday:

1. A revised version of your rewrite along with a copy of the rough draft. In the final version you need to identify 2 passages that parallel the original text. Be sure to type the original text in italics under your rewritten passage.

2. Section III of Heart of Darkness is due in class on Friday. I am looking forward to our discussion! Block 1 is writing questions and we will use their hard work. So, if you are interested in knowing what the questions will be in order to prepare for class discussion, peruse the question they leave as comments under the post "Post your questions here."

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Block 1 Post your questions here

Please post two or three questions pertaining to Heart of Darkness here. Questions are due by 8 pm on Wednesday night before the discussion.

Questions must be your own original and actual questions about the text do not send me questions gathered from online sites or from any source other than your own reading.

Remember that the discussion on Thurday will focus on Part III; however, I'm sure our conversation will spill over and include the novella as a whole.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Udates for Heart of Darkness block 2

On Wednesday we will do the following in class:

      1. Write your first synthesis paragraph and peer review the paragraph.

      2. Peer review you Inferno rewrite....so be sure you bring your 3 copies.
       If you have changed your ideas, or begun the rewrite, please bring      copies of your most recent draft.

3. Part III of Heart of Darkness will be due on Friday January 24, as will the final copy of your Inferno rewrite.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Calendar of due dates

<iframe src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?title=AP%20Calendar&amp;height=400&amp;wkst=2&amp;bgcolor=%23cc66cc&amp;src=niskyschools.org_14d6hnflqeti53qoifthnr8v44%40group.calendar.google.com&amp;color=%23B1440E&amp;ctz=America%2FNew_York" style=" border:solid 1px #777 " width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Block 1 Reminders

We ended class very quickly, so I wanted to make sure that we are all clear on the homework and due dates.
  • Next class (Tuesday) we will peer review the rough drafts of your Inferno rewrite. The final copy of your rewrite will be due on Thursday.
  • Next Thursday we will have a full class discussion of Heart of Darkness.
  • The sampling paper will be due on February 4. Before you read part III of Heart of Darkness you should identify a question/issue that you would like to pursue, and read part III with the question/issue in mind so that you can identify significant passages as you read.

Monday, January 13, 2014


      If you are in block 1, we will be discussing Part II of Heart of Darkness in class on Tuesday. Please remember to bring your book to class. We will then discuss Part III in class next Monday. If you have not posted  a link to your outside reading blog, please do so PRONTO. Please attach the link to the post "Outside Reading the Nitty Gritty."
     If you are in block 2, we will discuss Part II of Heart of Darkness on Friday, and Part III of Heart of Darkness the following Wednesday.
     All students, please remember that in order to make the blogging process go more smoothly please title your posts as posts in order to differentiate them. Blogger will only allow the owner of the blog to post, so although your "post" will appear in the comment section, I will count it as a post.
    If you have some time on Tuesday afternoon the English department would love you to join us in the Little Theater for Poetry Outloud; we will select the student who will represent Niskayuna in the regional competition.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Heart of Darkness Part I

The following are questions generated by block 1 for the first section of Heart of Darkness; we will be discussing these questions in class on Friday (block 1) or on Monday (block 2).  Come prepared to discuss these issues in section I.

  • What is the significance of Mr. Kurtz?
  • What is the significance of Marlow?
  • On page 6 the text addresses the history of Britain under the Romans, why is this passage included in the book?
  • Marlow seems to be revealed and characterized by the actions of other people towards him. Is there significance to this?
  • Why does the boat open with the scene on the yacht?
  • Why is there a narrator through which we hear Marlow's story?
  • Could we discuss the section of the book in which Marlow rants about the rivets?
  • What is motivating Marlow to embark on this journey? Why is he there?
  • What connections exist between this section of the novella and Dante's Inferno?
  • Is Conrad expressing guilt or culpability, or is he just a narrator?
  • Where is the sepulchral city?
  • What role does the manager have?
  • What is the significance of Marlow going to the office where the women meet him and the doctor examines him?
  • What does "Ave! Morituri te salutat" mean?
  • What is the significance of the Company's chief accountant (pages 17 and 18)?
  • On pages 16-18 Marlow meets the dying man, what are we supposed to make of his behavior in this situation?
  • How moral/immoral has Marlow been so far?
  • Why is time never discussed?

Outside reading due dates

Block 1- January 27,

Block 2- January 28,

Please note that I have pushed the due date back because of the snow days. As a result, it is not likely that the blog assignment will be reflected in the grade for second quarter. Happy blogging!

Monday, January 6, 2014

BBC documentary URL


Bring your copy of Inferno to class

As we delve deeper and deeper in the Heart of Darkness we will explore the relationship between Conrad's novella and Dante's epic poem. Be sure to bring your copy of Inferno with you to class.

Outside reading: the nitty gritty

Now that you have established a reading group and you have your books, the next step is to get reading and blogging about the book. Here is a list of practical tips to help you along in the process.

1. Decide as a group whether you will blog as you are reading the book or after you complete the book. I encourage you to blog while reading as it leads to better reading, better responses and less procrastination :) There are generic topics listed in the assignment; however, topics that you generate based on your specific book group will be the best.

2. For each blog post identify an issue, question, or quotation that you would like to address in your post. The topic of the post should be easily discerned from the title of the post. Remember, the required number of posts is only five; so, I expect each post to be substantive in topic and polished in its writing.

3. Be sure to include enought text, detail and specifics in your post so that those of us who haven't read the book (me) can follow the discussion.

4. Comment on at least five of your fellow bloggers posts. The best comments generate discussion amongst fellow bloggers.

5. One person from each group needs to post the link to their blog on the class website. Be sure to do this by January 10, 2014.