Monday, June 8, 2015

Final Updates!!! Important!!!

The final exam plays will be performed Wednesday and Thursday. You CANNOT be absent either day without the danger that you will miss your performance and be forced to do an alternative project for you final exam.

Please remember that you must have copies (including one for me!) of your play ready to go on Wednesday. We will meet in the Little Theater.

You must attend on both Wednesday and Thursday in order to receive full credit for your exam, as there is a 10 point component to the final that will be completed at the end of the exam on Thursday.

If you are completing and individual project, it is due on the exam date of June 11. The final exam much include a works cited page and internal citation, as you are required to use outside sources. Failure to include these pieces will result in a failing grade. Please remember that all aspects of the Academic Integrity Policy of Niskayuna High School apply to your final exam projects.