Thursday, October 29, 2015


  • Be sure to read Kafka's Metamorphosis. Block 1 is due 11/2 and Block 4 due 11/3.
  • Please write three questions/ideas that you would like to discuss.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

This Week

  • We will be performing scenes from No Exit (10/28 block 1 and 10/29 block 4).
  • We took a quiz on existentialism 10/27 block 4 and 10/26 block 1.
Please remember that you have FIVE school days in which to make up a quiz. Quizzes can be found in the ERC. After five days the quiz will be a 0.

Link to electronic copy of Metamorphosis:

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Block 1 Assignment for Monday 10/26

  • In class we took notes on the theory of existentialism.
  • Then I asked groups to chose a page to two pages of No Exit that clearly illustrates existentialism and its tenets.
  • The group, with line coaches, will perform the text they have chosen (with props, action, blocking etc....) in a way that clearly illustrates the group's interpretation of the scene's importance to existential principles.
  • There will be a quiz on existentialism on Monday. Please be sure to bring your notes on existentialism to class on Monday.
1. Pages 12-14 (Patrick, Darius, Lesley, Joy, Anna)
2. 10-12 (Kim, Bethany, Ashley, Rachel, Marie)
3. 14-15 (Daniela, Megan, Marika, Rose, Jamie)
4  26-27 (Noah, Spencer, Dan, Kimber, Goose)

Friday, October 16, 2015

Sartre: Human All Too Human BBC documentary

Watch the documentary for homework:

Please take notes on the following points as you watch the documentary:

1.      What is existentialism as Sartre defines it.


2.      What forces were responsible for the birth of existentialism?


3.      What are the similarities between critical theory and existentialism?
4. What questions do you have about existentialism?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Presentation Rubric

Very good
The presentation conveys an insightful understanding of the subject matter. The visuals and mode of presentation deepen the audience’s understanding of the content. The material and presentation are appropriate for the audience. The examples from Sleeping Beauty clarify the theory and how its applied.
The presentation is informative and correct.
There are inaccuracies in the content of the material.  The presentation is redundant.
Written Work
The “cheat sheet” conveys the critical ideas in a clear, and concise manner that is easy to understand, and is true to the complexity of the task.
The “cheat sheet” covers the important ideas of the theory.
The “cheat sheet” is basic.
The presentation is logically organized.  The organization enhances the meaning.
The structure is unified.
The organization is confused and or redundant.
Presentation Qualities
The presenters use voice, tone, body language etc. to engage the audience.
The presentation uses many of the qualities of good presentation; however there are places where the audience could be more engaged.
The audience finds the presentation difficult to follow. The presenters read to the audience.
Questions are skillfully elicited and answered.
Questions are answered with clear and correct responses.
The group finds it difficult to answer questions.