Monday, October 31, 2016

Homework 10/31

Image result for kafka cartoons

Be sure that you have read Metamorphosis for Wednesday. Then,  by 10pm on Tuesday night write a question that you would like to discuss and write it in the comment section. Please do not repeat the question of another classmate.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Block due 10/27

Due for Monday 10/31, please bring your outside reading book and your copies of "Spelling" and "On the Subway". Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Homework due on 10/25

Please watch the documentary Human All Too Human and take notes on the documentary The URL and the note sheet are below:

Notes                                                                                                   Name

Human all too Human: Sartre



Directions: Answer each of the following questions in complete sentences.



  1. Explain the connection between the historical moment and the philosophy of existentialism.








  1. What are Sartre’s beliefs about freedom and responsibility?








  1. Why was Sartre controversial in his time?









  1. Why does Sartre believe that “hell is other people?”











5. What were Sartre’s political beliefs?


Friday, October 7, 2016


Today in class:
  • We met in small groups to review the critical theory that you were assigned. The assignment is below.

  • Notes for Small group discussion
    Your discussion of Feminist and Marxist theory will help you write your analysis paper on Sleeping Beauty.  Be sure to be thorough in you discussion and on the notes you take in discussion. You will need to cover the following in your expert group:
    • The history of the theory. Include what is relevant to understand the theoretical underpinnings of the theory.
    • What these theorists believe and how they understand the purpose of reading and writing.
    • How the tenets of the theory are applied to a text (We are using Sleeping Beauty as our common text.
    • The implications of this theory for us reading in general.  This part should consider how the text would affect other readings. Including readings of texts that are not in written form.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Today in class we:

Image result for literary theory cartoon
  • Reviewed the theoretical differences between Liberal Humanism and Critical Theory.
  • I assigned half the class the chapter on Feminist Criticism in Barry, and the other half was assigned Marxist Criticism in Barry.
  • We did partner reading and completed the reading section of a Read/Write sheet for the assigned reading.
  • Whatever was not completed in class should be completed for HW.