Monday, October 31, 2016

Homework 10/31

Image result for kafka cartoons

Be sure that you have read Metamorphosis for Wednesday. Then,  by 10pm on Tuesday night write a question that you would like to discuss and write it in the comment section. Please do not repeat the question of another classmate.


  1. Why did Kafka have Gregor turn into a large insect? He could have turned into a bird, cat, or any other animal. What made him choose a large insect?

  2. Why does Kafka start calling Gregor's father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Samsa after his death? Similarly, why is Grete referred to as "their daughter" instead of "his sister"?

  3. Is Gregor similar to Garcin from No Exit? Both characters seem to blame their problems on others. For example, in the beginning, Gregor blames still having the job he hates on his parents.

  4. Why did Gregor's family immediately treat Gregor with disgust? Why weren't they more concerned for him?

  5. What does the family's poor treatment of Gregor, when they realized that he is no longer of use to them financially, say about modern day materialism? Do you think productivity and financial issues have the power to break familial relationships? If not, what other factors lead the family to lose appreciation for Gregor?

  6. If a person was to turn from a human into a large cockroach, you would expect medical and scientific professionals o make a big deal out of it. Why did the scientific and medical community not flock to Gregor's house to try and make sense of his condition?

  7. Why did Gregor's family automatically assume the vermin was him? Wouldn't they consider that an animal got into his room and he was still in the room at least as a possibility?

  8. How the culture of the society in "The Metamorphosis" criticized by Kafka? In what ways is this society (in terms of cultural values) similar and different than ours?

  9. The humans in the passage are all depicted to treat Gregor with horror and repulsion. If Gregor was once a human, don’t you think he should’ve had the same mindset about himself when he woke up to find an insect in place of his human body? After all, Gregor conveys the same human emotions and understandings through his days of enclosed observation of his family. Do you think this has anything to do with not being fully aware of yourself unless you see your reflection?

  10. Why does Gregor seemingly take his transformation lightly in the beginning? He seemed to think such a change was a normal occurance, so was there something similar to a metamorphosis that he had experienced before in his sleep?

  11. What was the significance of the three men staying in Greggor's house? What were they put in the story to prove?

  12. Throughout the passage, Gregor seems to view his life as a misery. Did his dreary perception on life lead to his metamorphosis of becoming an insect?

  13. Gregor's immediate recation focuses on trying to maintain his normal rountine, what does this say about him?

  14. Has Gregor really been turned into a vermin? Or is it all in his head? How much of it is real?

  15. What made Gregor's sister switch from caring for him (shown by her bringing him food) to wanting to get rid of him? Did hearing this from his sister somehow cause Gregor's death?

  16. Why does the father stop taking off his work uniform?

  17. Why does Gregors family seem so passive to the ways Gregor was acting in the beginning? Why didnt the family go into his room to see what was wrong?

  18. Who/what caused Gregor to change into a large insect? Why did Gregor's father wait until the end of the story to decide to move out? Why does Gregor provide for his family

  19. Could Gregor represent an existentialist in the piece? Especially in the beginning when he was transformed into a different creature and could not move from his bed.

  20. What do you think would have happened if Gregor had not died in the end?

  21. Why did Gregor's family not try to communicate with him? They knew it was him, yet never tried to set up a system to talk to him. Why?
