Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Homework over Thanksgiving Break

Image result for thanksgiving cartoons

Have a great week!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Due 1120

In class you will work on your poem. Be sure to have it memorized for class.

For homework: Articulate questions for Metamorphosis. Complete your tracing work in your read/write notebook.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Today in class we:

  • Practiced the process for extending the "What it Means" Section of the chart. We continued our work on "First Lesson"
  • We identified the question in Metamorphosis that each individual would like to work on.
  •  Memorize 2 more sentences of the poem you've chosen.
  • Once you've identified your question. Reread Metamorphosis and create a sticky note for each passage you believe to be important to the study of your question. On each sticky note write the page number, paragraph number, and a bullet point or two about the scene's importance.

Extra Credit Opportunity: The Great Thanksgiving Listen from Story Corps


Deadlines and Updates!

Image result for poetry cartoon

Happy Veteran's Day! Hug a veteran.

Monday, November 7, 2016

11/7 and 11/8

Image result for calvin and hobbes poetry

Today in class we:

  • Practiced delivering our poem for Poetry Out loud
  • Used the "it says, it means, it matters" method of exploring a poem
  • Began work on applying the method to our own poem

  • For homework: Bring your collateral reading book next class (and keep reading it!), complete the "it says, it means, it matters" chart for your poem, memorize another section of your poem.
Remember that the poem needs to be memorized by 11/14 and delivered on 11/21 or 11/22

Friday, November 4, 2016


Today in class we watched some different poems and discussed the
Image result for metamorphosis kafka cartoon
different approaches and aesthetics of poetry. Links to some of the poems are below:

Harry Baker: https://www.ted.com/talks/harry_baker_a_love_poem_for_lonely_prime_numbers?language=en

Malcolm London: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB_4Sbt0pRU

Sarah Kaye: https://www.ted.com/talks/sarah_kay_if_i_should_have_a_daughter?language=en

For homework I assigned students to choose a poem to study and to memorize the first three sentences of the poem.

Also, I asked students to prepare a question or two for Seminar on Tuesday. The questions are linked to the previous blog entry (if you lost yours).

I'm also asking people to use the "It says, it means, it matters" charts in order to develop the analysis of their ideas for seminar. I will collect the notes as part of the seminar discussion on Tuesday.

Question:                                                                                                                                                                  Name

It Says                                                                                       It Means                                                                                It Matters


Question:                                                                                                                                                                  Name

It Says                                                                                       It Means                                                                                It Matters



Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Image result for metamorphosis kafka cartoon
In class today:

We discussed Ezra Pound's definition of poetry: "Poetry is news that stays news." And we applied his definition to a William Carlos Williams poem.

We began our study of Kafka.

The homework is to look through the Poetry Outloud website and find three poems with compelling "news". Then print a copy of each poem and bring it to class.

Have a nice afternoon.